To search for articles on your topic, use one of the library databases. Each database includes a different collection of magazines and journals. There are databases specific to different disciplines or fields of study. For example, CINAHL Complete is a database for nursing and health professionals. The Military and Government Collection includes journals of interest to people studying security and policy.
Some database providers, such as EBSCO, include a wide variety of databases on many topics. You can search all of EBSCO's databases at once if you want to search across many disciplines. 
You might also find it useful to search for for your topic through the lens of a specific discipline. To find suggestions of which database is useful for a certain topic, use the databases by subject list.Once you are in a database, search by keyword to locate articles on your topic.
JSTOR is a good place to start when looking for scholarly articles in foreign languages. JSTOR is a research database that indexes and provides the full-text articles from a large collection of scholarly journals.
The easiest way to search for foreign language articles is to simply use search words in that language.
You can also perform an advanced search in JSTOR:
Limit your search to the language you prefer.
Another option is to search Google Scholar for resources in your language. To do so, just use search words in the foreign language of choice.
The library subscribes to a large number of magazines, journals, and newspapers in electronic format, as well as maintaining a print collection of periodicals. All of these items can be searched by using the Journals link on the library homepage.
If the library subscribes to the journal that you searched for, a listing will appear which shows the years of coverage and available sources of the full-text of this journal. For online electronic journals, the name(s) of the research database(s) which includes the full-text of this journal will be listed. More than one database might be listed if the library has access to this journal in more than one online source, although the dates of coverage of each separate database may vary. If the library subscribes to this journal in print, the years of print availability will also be listed.
If you click on the link for Journal of Nursing Scholarship, you will get a listing of all the available online issues of this journal, which you can then browse to find the issue or specific article you want. If you are off-campus, you will be asked to enter your login information before you are allowed to access any electronic journal.
How Do I Retrieve Full-Text When All I Have is an Article’s Citation?
The journals list can be searched by journal title to find out whether a particular journal title is available at McKillop Library in print or online. If a journal is available online, this list will tell you which library database contains the full-text, and for which years we have the full-text available. Click on the database name (for example, Academic Search Complete) to browse all the available issues of that e-journal.
There Doesn’t Seem to be Any Full-Text either Online or in Print for the Article I Need. What Should I Do Now?
If an article is not available at McKillop Library, you can request it by interlibrary loan.
What is a Citation?
A citation is the information which identifies a book or article. Information for a book usually includes the author, title, publisher, city of publication, and date. The citation for an article usually includes the author, title of the article, title of the journal, volume, issue, pages, and date.