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BIO 255: Conservation Biology: Find Sources

Support for research in topics exploring the human influence on biological species, populations, and ecosystems, as well as efforts to preserve genetic variation; protect and restore biological communities.



  • Use the search box below to explore articles from journals in a selection of EBSCO databases. This search box is also available on the McKillop Library homepage. Notice other databases below the search box, such as Science Direct, or JSTOR. For a list of all the databases relevant to research in Biology, click the link, Databases by Subject

Find Articles in Select Ebscohost Databases...

Looking for Specific Journal Titles in the Library?

Two key journals you will use in this course are Biological Conservation and Conservation Biology. This video provides an easy way to search for specific journals from the library homepage:

ProQuest Databases for Conservation Biology

Find Full Text or Request from Another Library

Many journal articles will be available for you to access full text, but occasionally, you may need to request articles through interlibrary loan. This is a free service provided by McKillop Library. 
If you started your search from the library's homepage, or are accessing a database through the library's website, there are a few ways you can get access to the full text of an article. You'll often see one or more of the following links in the search result list or article description record:

Just click on one of those links, and a you'll be able to view the full text of an article. However, if you don't see one of those icons, you'll likely see one or both of these icons:

The "Find Full Text" link will check other databases for access to the full text of the article, but if we don't have access, it will direct you to an interlibrary loan (ILL) request form. The "Request through interlibrary loan" link will take you directly to the request form.

If you started your search from Google, Google Scholar, or accessed a database without first going through the library's website to get to it, the means of finding the full text of the article are different. Contact a McKillop librarian at 401-341-2289 or use our handy chat service, located on the library's home page. 

Your librarian: Lisa Richter

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Lisa Richter
she, her, hers
McKillop Library, Rm 203
100 Ochre Point Avenue
Newport, RI 02840 USA