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International Relations: RefWorks

Research Guide for International Relations


Refworks will be sunsetting in 2028. If you are choosing a bibliographic citation manager, please select another option, such as Zotero or Mendeley.  


RefWorks is a bibliographic citation manager. You might be familiar with EndNote, Zotero, and Mendeley, which are also bibliographic citation managers. These allow you to store and organize your citations, and to automatically create bibliographies in whatever citation style you prefer. Most search tools such as the library's catalog, EBSCOHost, JSTOR, Sage, and other databases, as well as Google Scholar, allow you to automatically export your citations to Refworks.

Below is a five-minute video which shows some of Refworks' capabilities, how to create folders, and how to export citations from different search tools. 



Step-by-step: Getting into RefWorks

Go to and click on 

Click on "R" and "RefWorks"

Log in or set up your account if you have not already done so.


Step-by-step: Setting up folders in RefWorks

From your RefWorks account, on the left hand side of the page, Click on "My Folders and "Add folder."  

Step-by-step: Creating a new reference in RefWorks

From your RefWorks account, at the top of the page, click on "Add" and "Create new reference." 



Step-by-step: Exporting references from different search tools

Library catalog/Books tab: To export references found in the library's books tab on the homepage, click on the cite button and choose "Export to RefWorks."

EBSCO databases/Articles tab: To export references found in the library's article tab (which searches the library's EBSCOHost databases), click on the article title and then, on the right side of the page, the export button and choose "direct export to RefWorks. 

JSTOR database: To export references from JSTOR, click on the cite button and choose "export to RefWorks." 


Google Scholar: To export references from Google Scholar, click on the quotes below the article you're interested in and click on "RefWorks."