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English: Literature and Literary Criticism : Get Started

Research Guide for English: Literature and Literary Criticism


                            Welcome! This guide is designed to connect you with key resources for conducting research in your English literature courses. For one-on-one research assistance, schedule an appointment through the "Your Librarian" box on this page. 
To reach the library's homepage, click on the Salve Regina logo to the left, or click here.



Useful Services from McKillop Library

Interlibrary Loan 

Interlibrary loan (ILL) service is for Salve Regina students to obtain books and articles that are not available directly through McKillop Library’s physical and electronic collections, or those provided by other libraries in the HELIN library network. Go to the Interlibrary loan info page to learn more about this important service!

Course Reserves

Sometimes your professors will require you to read or view information from materials beyond your required textbooks. They work with the library to make these materials available to you to access either through your Canvas course page, or through Course Reserves in the library. Search this page for course reserve materials, which will be identified by course number, course name, or instructor.

Your librarian

Profile Photo
Regina Connolly
McKillop 208A