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Art and Art History: Finding images

Research guide for Art and Art History

Artstor searching

There are many different ways you can search for content in Artstor, including:

  • Browsing by geography, classification, or collection
  • Keyword and filtered search
  • Advanced search

Search tips:

  • Use quotations ("civil war") to search for exact phrases 
  • Geography always refers to a creator's country of birth, except for architecture/built environment images, which are based on geographic location
  • Use wildcards to broaden your search
    • Asterisk wildcard: trap* returns results for trap, trapping, trapper, trappist 
    • Question mark wildcard: advis?r returns results for adviser and advisor

Advanced search

You can use advanced search to narrow your search right from the start. Some search tips:

  • Limit your search to specific data fields such as title, creator, material, culture, and more using the dropdown menu to the right of each search term 
  • Search for multiple terms (bombay OR mumbai) (puppies AND kittens) using the dropdown menus to the left of each search term

Keyword searching

Enter your keyword(s) in the search box and click enter on your keyboard, or click the magnifying glass. Please note: Keyword Search will return results that include all of your search terms, so there is no need to include “and” between terms.

Use the filters on the left panel to further refine your search by collection type, classification, geographic location, or dates, when applicable.