From your syllabus description of your Extremism Paper:
All sources/references will be footnoted in accordance with the Chicago Manual of Style. Elements of your papers will include:
All papers must use a minimum of five primary sources from peer-reviewed/authoritative sources.
You're likely to have the most success finding scholarly articles for your extremism paper and briefing from the following library databases:
You may also find useful and credible information, though it may not be peer reviewed, from these sources that are freely available online. Research tip: Reports from these sources may require a different search strategy, so consider going broader with your search. For example, if your extremist group is the Atomwaffen Division and your search in these tools doesn't return much, you could search "neo-nazi," go broader and search "right-wing extremism," or search the other topics that are required for your paper, such as "violent extremism threat mitigation."
Congressional Research Service Reports
And Google Advanced Search in the .gov and .mil domains