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MGT-120: Management & Organizational Behavior: MLA, 8th edition

Management & Organizational Behavior Research Guide

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Examples of Common MLA Citations


*A note on publishers: If the publisher is a university press, use only U and P to refer to "university press." e.g. Cambridge UP, U of Arkansas P.

Book with one author:

Lastname, Firstname Middle Initial. Title of Book: Subtitle of Book. Publisher, Year. 

Note: If the book was published before 1900, you also include the location of the publisher, as follows: 

Lastname, Firstname Middle Initial. Title of Book: Subtitle of Book. Location, Publisher, Year. 



Chojnacki, MatthewAlternative Movie Posters: Film Art from the UndergroundSchiffer Publishing, 2013.


Books with two authors:

Lastname, Firstname Middle Initial, and Firstname Middle Initial Lastname. Title of Book: Subtitle of Book. Publisher, Year. 


Books with three or more authors:

Lastname, Firstname Middle Initial, et al. Title of Book: Subtitle of Book. Publisher, Year. 


An edited book (e.g. collection of essays or another source with no original author):

Lastname, Firstname Middle Initial, editor. Title of Book: Subtitle of Book. Publisher, Year. 


An edited book with original author:

AuthorLastname, AuthorFirstname, edited by EditorFirstname EditorLastname. Title of Book: Subtitle of Book. Publisher, Year. 



Article found in a database or open web with one author:

Lastname, Firstname Middle Initial. "Title of Article: Subtitle of Article." Title of Journal, Volume, Issue, Year, pages, doi: OR Database, permalink/stable link to source. 



Matthews, Dan. "A Technical and Contextual Analysis of Scenography through Sculptural Reproduction: Hofman and Tröster's Hamlets." Theatralia, vol. 21, no. 2, 2018, pp. 29-37. Film & Television Literature Index, doi:10.5817/TY2018-2-3. 


Article found in print with one author:

Lastname, Firstname Middle Initial. "Title of Article: Subtitle of Article." Title of Journal, Volume, Issue, Year, pages.


Article found on the open web with one author:

Lastname, Firstname Middle Initial"Title of Article: Subtitle of Article." Title of Journal, Volume, Issue, Year, URL. Accessed Day Month Year.


Article (from the open web) with two authors:

Lastname, Firstname Middle Initial, and Firstname Middle Initial Lastname. "Title of Article: Subtitle of Article." Title of Journal, Volume, Issue, Year, URL. Accessed Day Month Year.


Article with three or more authors:

Lastname, Firstname Middle Initial, et al. "Title of Article: Subtitle of Article." Title of Journal, Volume, Issue, Year, URL. Accessed Day Month Year.



Note: this is for websites only—online newspapers/magazines articles are similar to articles above.

Website with one author:

Lastname, Firstname Middle Initial. Title of Website. Day Month Year, URL.

Web page (1 page of a larger website)

Lastname, Firstname Middle Initial. "Title of Webpage." Title of WebsiteDay Month Year,



Paiz, Joshua, et al. "General Format." Purdue Online Writing Lab5 May 2010,


Website with a corporate or organizational author:

Organization nameTitle of Website. Day Month Year, URL.