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EDC-243: Children's Literature: Early Childhood Literacy

Research guide for Children's Literature

First Books

Naming Books

First books for babies and toddlers are usually identification books or naming books. These simple, durable books initiate a dialogue between the child and adult, developing language skills.

Finger Rhymes and Nursery Songs

Through play and song, finger rhymes provide opportunities for participation.  

Mother Goose

The appeal of Mother Goose:

  • musical quality
  • varied language patterns
  • provides opportunites for active participation and response
  • narrative quality
  • reflects the interests of young children- animals, seasons, feelings
  • funny
  • pure nonsense

Taken from Huck, Charlotte. Children's Literature in the Elementary School.Harcourt Brace Publishers, 1992.

Below are some popular Mother Goose books in McKillop library.


Rhyming Books

Alphabet Books

Multiple Purposes

  • learning names and shapes of letters
  • identification or naming of objects and animals
  • detailed information about a subject

Below are some higlighted ABC books found in McKillop library.

Counting Books

The three types of counting books are:

  • one-to-one correspondence
  • simple mathematical concepts
  • number stories and puzzles

Charlotte Huck's Guidelines for Evaluating Counting Book

  • Accuracy is essential
  • Objects to be counted should stand out clearly
  • Common objects that children know, such as fingers,toes, eggs, are usually best for the young child
  • Groupings or sets should be clearly differentiated
  • Number concepts should not be lost in the story
  • Level of thinking required should be challenging for appropriate ages

From Huck, Charlotte. Children's Literature in the Elementary School.Harcourt Brace Publishers, 1992.

Below are some highlighted counting books found in McKillop Library.