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RTS-337A Biomedical Ethics (LoPresti)

Find Articles in Journals and Newspapers 

You'll find several useful tools in this section. McKillop Library subscribes to dozens of article databases. If you have a topic in mind, begin with a keyword search from a pre-selected list of databases. 

The next section has a list of discipline-specific databases that may have articles on biomedical ethics topics. Each database looks a bit different, but you will find that keyword searching works essentially the same.

If you are looking for articles from the New York Times, go to the page, Access the New York Times Online for instructions to set up an account, first. Then you can locate articles by keyword, or if your professor has a specific article for you to read, you can search by title. 


Begin with a General Article Search

Search for Articles from Specialized Databases

Read the description on the databases below to learn which discipline or subject area they cover.