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Criminal Justice/Administration of Justice: CJC Research

Research Guide for Criminal Justice/Administration of Justice


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Search for books and articles

Criminal Justice and Multi-Disciplinary Databases for Articles

Finding Articles in Law Review Journals

Law review articles analyze topics in law. Harvard University offers an excellent description of law review articles and their usefulness. 

Salve offers law review articles in HeinOnline, EBSCOhost, Nexis Uni, and JSTOR. See below for more information on how to find law review articles in each database:

HeinOnline: click on "Law Journal Library" and enter your search terms in the search box.

EBSCO from the article search on the library's homepage.

Enter your search words in the search box, then, if you get a good number of results, enter "law" in the box under your search words, and change the drop down to "SO source". This isn't foolproof -- you may miss some journals which don't have "law" in the title or get some sources that aren't law journals, but it's a good way to search for law journals across a lot of EBSCO databases. 


Nexis Uni: Click on "Law Reviews" on the homepage and enter your search terms. 

JSTOR: Type your search words in the search box, then limit by subject "Law". See the video below for a quick tutorial. 


Internet Resources in Criminal Justice and Criminology




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